Visit from CHP

CHP 25th and 26th period deputy of assembly Mehmet Tüm and Susurluk CHP organization members visited our exchange. Our Vice Chairman Alptuğ Ozan Saran hosted the visit. We thank them for their kind visit.



Susurluk Employment Mobility 2019 Meeting


Employment Mobility 2019 meeting was held in Şerafettin Tunalı Conference Hall with the participation of the members of both our exchange and chamber of commerce. Our assembly members and their counterparts in the chamber, representatives of both national and regional press, and our town's independent accountants and financial advisors were present in the meeting. 

Our Chairman Sefer Göçer, Susurluk Chamber of Commerce Chairman İlker Kurt and Chamber Assembly Chairman Mehmet Çetin answered the questions asked in the meeting along with the slide shows and videos related to the subject. 



Balıkesir Regional Counceling Meeting


Our Chairman Sefer Göçer, Accountant Member Yakup Bozkan, General Secretary Hamit Yıldız and our members Ahi Güven Inc. representative Mert Emre Seyfeli have attended Balıkesir Regional Counceling Meeting with the participation of Minister of Trade Mr. Ruhsar Pekcan in Balıkesir Chamber of Industry on 2nd of March. Regional problems and possible solutions were stated in the meeting.


1st of March Accountants Day

"1 Mart Muhasebeciler Günü" münasebetiyle ilçemizde görev yapan Muhasebecilerimiz ve Mali Müşavirlerimiz ile bir araya geldik.

We have come together with accountants in our town on the occation of "1st of March Accountants Day."

Accreditation Certificate Ceremony


Our Commodity Exchange Has Renewed its Accreditation Certificate

Our Commodity Exchange has earned the right to renew its accreditation certificate as a result of the inspections that were made on 22nd and 23rd of November 2018. Our exchange has received its certificate from TOBB President Mr. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and Accreditation Committee Chairman Mr. Faik Yavuz.

To the ceremony, our Assembly Chairman Hüseyin Tunalı, General Secretary Hamit Yıldız and Accreditation Supervisor Şule Şahin Aslan have attended.