Sorry for Our Loss

In an explosion that occured in Süngütepe Military Base near Şemdinli, Hakkari, 7 of our soldiers have been martyred and 25 of them were wounded. We wish Allah's mercy for our martyrs and offer our condolences to their loved ones. We wish quick recovery for our injured soldiers. We are sorry for our loss. - Susurluk Commodity Exchange Chairmanship

Member Visits


Our commdity exchange, prioritizing member satisfaction, is visiting our members in their work places in order to find solutions by listening to their problems and to make betterments and developments by listening to their suggestions and requests.


TOBB Commodity Exchanges Council Meeting




TOBB Commodity Exchanges Council Meeting was held in TOBB Twin Towers under the hosting of TOBB President M. Rifat HİSARCIKLIOĞLU with the participation of Minister of Commerce Ruhsar PEKCAN and Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir PAKDEMİRLİ. Our Chairman Sefer GÖÇER has attended the meeting. 

Speaking at the Commodity Exchanges Council Meeting, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that in the last period, due to the rising interest rates, there has been a slowdown in the low-interest loans granted to the agriculture and livestock sector with state subsidies. “We expect a reintroduction of low-interest credit for our industrialists and producers in the agriculture and animal husbandry sector.” Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed that TOBB, together with the commodity exchanges, will continue to work for the transformation of the agriculture and animal husbandry sectors.​
TOBB Commodity Exchanges Council Meeting was hosted by M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu at the TOBB Twin Towers with attendances of Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan and Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his speech at the opening of the meeting, drew attention to the labor force demand in agriculture and livestock sector. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We cannot find people to take on jobs as shepherds or hazelnuts and apricots pickers. Other countries are now working on this. There are no children's voices left in the villages. That is why a new social security system is needed in agriculture and animal husbandry. According to the conditions of these sectors, a promising system for people, we must implement with your support.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the two ministries provided significant improvements to the sector in the last period, “Our Minister of Agriculture and Forestry has opened the idle treasury lands to the use of agriculture and livestock sector. Our Minister of Trade also facilitated access to finance by providing a collateral with the pledge system, animals, trees and agricultural products. I would like to thank them again.”

- Structure of commodity exchanges

Stating that they met with the two Ministers to consult on how to increase production, export, and global competitiveness, Hisarcıklıoğlu praised the ministries' real sector-friendly working styles. “Our ministers speak the same language as us. This gives great morale to our business world.” In his speech, TOBB President gave information about the structure of commodity exchanges. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The Commodity Exchanges system was born and spread all over the world. The first commodity exchange of the world started its operations in this land, Kütahya Aizonai. Today, Commodity Exchanges are organized agricultural and animal products markets. The seller and the buyers come together here. Prices are generated in a transparent manner and in a free competition environment. All transactions, quantity and prices are recorded, registered. Therefore, the Commodity Exchanges fulfill a very important mission in the fight against off the record economy.

Commodity Exchanges also provide order in the industry. It does this through electronic sales rooms, accredited laboratories, livestock exchanges and licensed warehouses. Since 2001, trading volume has increased 14 times. The total transaction volume last year reached of 250 billion TRY. TOBB and 113 Commodity Exchanges throughout Turkey are carrying out projects and studies that will further develop the agriculture and livestock sectors.

In parallel with the digital transformation in the world, we are developing the Commodity Exchanges. Thanks to our new registration software, Commodity Exchanges will become integrated with many related institutions.

On the other hand, in order to facilitate the safe storage of agricultural products with licensed warehousing and producers' access to finance, we have launched the first licensed warehouse in Turkey as TMO and TOBB. Today, with the efforts of our Commodity Exchanges and our entrepreneurs, licensed warehousing investments continue to increase. We said that we will establish a contemporary product specialized commodity exchange with more than 100 years of experience in the sector. With the support of our government and our ministries, we have completed the establishment permission of the Company and the establishment of the company. We also continue our efforts to put into operation the Product Specialization Exchange in a short time.”

- Commodity exchange contribution in the registration of geographical markers

Stating that chambers have become much more active in regards to geographic markers, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that 40% of the geographically registered products registered currently have been registered by TOBB-affiliated chambers and exchanges. Hisarcıklıoğlu added that three regional products (Gaziantep Baklava, Aydın Grapevine and Malatya Apricot) were registered in Europe.

- Minister of Trade Ruhsar Pekcan

In their speech, Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan said, “In the coming period, we aim to spread the export growth structurally to the long term by investing in technology, design and branding.

Pekcan stated that in order to reach our targets, policies should be determined correctly, the right people should be involved in the process and those who put do their part should be consulted.

- “Total licensed storage capacity reached 3 million tons”

Pekcan reported important steps have been taken by the Ministry for domestic trade to be carried out under more favorable conditions.

“We have implemented the Licensed Warehousing System for the storage of agricultural products in a healthy environment and the commercialization of products in electronic environment. We have implemented very important incentives, especially for rent, analysis, transportation and loan interest support for the development of this system.”

Pekcan stated that the ministry attaches great importance to consultation with the private sector and has established the Consultative Council to consult with the umbrella organization of non-governmental organizations of the people who are producing, exporting and providing employment.

Pekcan stated that they learned the problems of the sector in the meetings and they produced instant solutions, and that the complaints received to the Ministry were examined and received quick turn-around.

- Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli said, “Agriculture, agriculture is really strategic, perhaps even more than defense. Those who can feed the world will be its leader.”

Pakdemirli said that the Turkish business have developed rapidly in recent years and have made significant progress.

Pakdemirli reported their intention to establish an international company for grain trade, “A public and private sector joint initiative which will be managed professionally to market whole grains from Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan. Turkey will be the logistics base.”

Pakdemirli stated that the Ministry will conduct the training projects which will make agriculture and animal husbandry worthwhile again and reported that they are in talks with the the President of the Council of Higher Education in this regard and will organize a workshop in the near future.”

"Economical Developments in the World and Turkey"

The conference "Economical Developments in the World and Turkey" which was presented by famous economist Ali AĞAOĞLU was held in Avlu Culture Center on 25th of October 2018 with the cooperation of Balıkesir Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Industry and Commodity Exchange. Our Chairman of the Board of Directors Sefer GÖÇER and Vice-Chairman Mete SEYFELİ have attended the conference.