Global Economic Developments and Turkey

Our Chairman Sefer GÖÇER has attended the conference called "Global Economic Developments and Turkey", organized by Bandırma Chamber of Commerce, Bandırma Commodity Exchange and Bandırma Industialists and Businessmen Organization and presented by journalist-economist Emin ÇAPA  in Bandırma Commodity Exchange Conference Hall, on 5th of December, Wednesday.



Commodity Exchanges Otomation Training

Our Dep. General Secretary Hamit Yıldız and Registry Officer Feyyaz Polat have attended the Commodity Exchanges Otomation Training that took place in İzmir Commodity Exchange on 30th of November 2018. The software that includes Registry-Laboratory-Saleroom Sales-Product Acceptance modules will become active by next year. Aiming to fight against off the books trade and gather all commodity exchanges in one registry module, the commodity exchanges otomation system was discussed on the potential problems of system and new regulations that will be put to use.