Meeting of Fight Against Inflation

Our Chairman Sefer GÖÇER has made a press statement at 15:00 on 18th of October 2018 in Our Meeting Hall regarding the issue of fight against inflation. Our Vice-Chairmen Mete SEYFELİ and Alptuğ Ozan SARAN, Member of the Board of Directors Can TATLIOĞLU, Vice-Chairman of Assembly Hulusi KURU and press members Kemal AYYILDIZ, who attended the meeting via Susurluk National and Regional Press Members as correspondent from Kardeş Newspaper, İrfan AYYILDIZ from Anatiolian Agency, Gürdal ERGEN from Beşeylül Newspaper, Demirören News Agency correspondent İbrahim PAMUKÇU and a correspondent from TV100 have attended the meeting.

Our Chairman's press statement was thus:

Our most valuable members, press members and public,

We are gathered here to say "We, as Susurluk Commodity Exchange, are in it to fight against inflation."

Price stability is one of the most important indicators that reflects the situation of macro-economy.

After 2002, Turkey has gained a breathtaking recuperation in price stability along with economic and political stability, and the inflation has dropped to one-digit numbers.

In the last period, along with the effect of inordinary movements in foreign currencies, the inflation has again risen to tow-digit numbers.

The increased inflation is affecting both our citizens whose purchasing power has dropped, and our firms because of the increased input prices and interests, negatively.

We find the program of fight against inflation which was prepared by our Treasury and Economy Ministry and initiated under our Minister Mr. Berat ALBAYRAK's leadership, very important and support it.

Because neither public, nor private sector can fight against inflation alone. The responsibility and duty are all ours. 

Fighting against inflation is also fighting against unemployment, high interests, and increasing input prices.

Turkish private sector is taking on responsibility by standing together with our state.

Within this scope the Union of Turkish Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and the chambers and exchanges are in solidarity throughout the country as in all national matters.

In 81 province and 160 sub-province, our chambers and commodity exchanges are adopting the fight against inflation and are starting a work for our firms' participation.

We want to stress this point that the more all public support this fight, the more its effect will be.

From real sector to financial sector, to our public citizens, we must all focus on the same target.

If we are one of heart, we will get result in the fight against inflation.

Our belief in both our firms and our people that they all will participate in the fight against inflation.

We, as Susurluk Commodity Exchange, request all our members' support and participation in this fight, via you valuable press members.

I believe that as Susurluk, we will show the required devotion and stand in the fore front in this financial fight that is initiated for our country and nation.

With this strong coordination and consultation between public and private sector, we will leave this hard process that we are getting through.

We expect you, our valuable members' participation in this campaign of fight against inflation. Now it is time to be WE, as Turkey, not ME.

We kindly submit to the information of public.